Movie review from a non-fan!

Check out this well written Breaking Dawn part 2 movie review in the Express Tribune from someone who hated all the other movies in the franchise.

Yes! – She actually liked Breaking Dawn part 2. Check it out here.

Pic courtesy of Summit Entertainment.

“I was so convinced that I was going to hate Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 that I had decided to write a Hater on it even before I saw the movie. A ‘Hater’ is a column we ran regularly in the magazine, in which you found things to hate about a certain subject. My charming bitterness had made me an expert at writing this column and I had already written one on Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1.

Circumstances were ripe for the bitterness to come flowing in full force: I had been walking for over eight hours that day and had eaten nothing at all. I was in a foul mood as I settled down to watch the movie.

But by the end of the film, the notebook page allotted to writing things I hated about the movie remained entirely empty. In fact, I only realised it was empty when the lights came on at the end of this two-hour show. It is generally a pretty entertaining film to watch.

While it’s still no thought-provoking, cinematic work of art and has its fair share of plot fails (like the vampire-cum-human child growing at an abnormal rate), it still packs in just the right amount of action, shirtless Jacob scenes and comic relief to satisfy any rom-com loving girl.

The best bit perhaps is the change in Bella. I hated her meek, milk-and-water personality and that sulky face during the last few films. In this final installment, she shows some spunk! Although it’s still vile to show young girls that you need to get your blood sucked out and almost die to stand up for yourself and fight a few battles, I’m just glad that Stephanie Meyer tried to make Bella into an almost positive role model towards the end.

There are also no gross sex scenes in this film in stark contrast to Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1, with Bella even refusing Edward’s advances in one scene. Her energy is all but devoted to her child.

The plot is fast-paced and is centred on the birth of Edward and Bella’s child Renesmee, the first vampire-cum-human. Since the the Volturi (vampire overloads) have no idea what this strange hybrid child is capable of, they decide to initiate a full-on war with the Cullens. The Cullens go in search worldwide of peace-loving and likeminded vampires who believe that Renesmee will not herald the destruction of the vampires. With this vampire community in place and of course the good old howling wolves in tow (thanks to Jacob’s obsession with Renesmee), they stand ready to battle the creepy Volturi.

As confusing and ridiculous as the plot sounds, it makes more sense when you actually watch it. Or maybe it made more sense to me because I was so tired. Maybe, I was so hungry that I was hallucinating all the good parts. Maybe writing all those Haters has flushed the bitterness from my system and I’m incapable of hating on anything anymore.

Or maybe, just maybe, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 really is good!

Published in The Express Tribune, Ms T, December 9th, 2012.

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